Friday, July 3, 2009

The best couple on TV

Blair Waldorf & Chuck Bass

Anyone who's ever engaged in a little relationship tango will tell you that the push and pull of possibilities is the most thrilling part. That's why "Gossip Girl's" writers are smart to keep these two apart for as long as possible.
Consummating a longed for love -- whether on TV or in real life -- is often anti-climactic and inevitably leads to disappointment. Plus, I fully believe that Blair & Chuck are soulmates, and they still have years of scheming to get out of their systems before their relationship even stands a chance of succeeding. But if Cat Deely has taught me anything, it's how much I love watching the dance.

Eric & Tami Taylor

Not only the most adorable and genuine representation of a marriage on TV, but also the most aspirational. If only every couple was as open and honest as Eric and Tami Taylor are.

Admiral Adama & President Roslin

For three seasons fans watched and waited for Adama and Roslin to consummate the love with all knew they shared. Slowly, and subtly, the relationship moved from professional to personal, but it never crossed the line. Perhaps the pressure of keeping an entire civilization alive was a bit of a mood killer.

Marc St. James & Amanda Tannen

While I find myself less and less interested with each passing storyline given to Betty Suarez, I've noticed that my urge to watch "Ugly Betty" each week has steadily risen. Credit for that goes to solely Marc & Amanda, who've seen their roles increased in recent months, likely because the writers have become keenly aware that these two are the most interesting characters on the whole show.
Their Mode After Dark webisodes only proved that ABC would be wise to abandon America Fererra's sinking ship and give these two their own show immediately.
I can't agree any more!!

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